
Monday, April 28, 2014

Safari Park Birthday

  • The mission:  To celebrate our daughter's birthday
  • The date:  April 9th, 2014
  • The place:  Wild Safari Park, San Diego, CA
  • The time:  Early - if possible
  • Ultimate goal:  To spend time with our daughter and grandson! 

Spring at the Safari Park is wonderful!  Not only are the animals au-natural… and you get to see a wide variety of new babies, but the temperature is just about perfect!  

And the butterfly exhibit - Nick, our grandson wore a bright colored shirt and he had butterflies lighting on him to the point - he was a bit freaked out!  Hey, come on - who wouldn't be.  You think "oh how darling…" to "get them off me NOW!"  Well at least if you're 8 years old… 

 And here - a close up of one of the many beautiful butterflies at the exhibit!  

We had a wonderful time celebrating our daughter's 38th birthday and I'm still wondering how she's managing to catch up with me on age, but that's a whole other story.  It's always fun being with Nick and let me tell you - he's all boy!  Between he and I, we can gross mom out pretty darn quick if our mind's set to it.  :-) 

And as you can see, the apple hasn't fallen very far from the tree!  

And here's a picture of one of the gorillas with baby in tow.  Told you there were babies! 

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